Ah, Fandom

As I’ve mentioned before, HoggyWartyXmas is a fest which concentrates on the teaching staff of the school. I generally do multiple gifts for that fest. Usually a gift for the community as well as an official assigned prompt.
2018 hit me at a busy time so I didn’t spam the comm as much as I sometimes do.
First, my Community gift (which generally features Hagrid):
Maybe a Thousand Words would be Simpler (well, do you think Hagrid can manage to operate the shutter without blocking the lens?)
And then my Assigned prompt which was Snape as Headmaster during VoldWar II:
The Final Year of the War.
Eventually a very similar illustration would show up in one of the projects posted in the Publication collection, and yes, I did reuse the elements of the one for the other. But the other one is a dream sequence, whereas this one attempts to show what was actually happening.
And it was a couple of years before the other one was finally posted, in any case.