Red Hen Publications

Red Hen Publications — Commentary Collection: On Education and the internet
The Graphics Collection

Navigating the Red Hen Publications Website: The main theme of the 2024 rebuild is; “The Return of the Sidebars”. Click on the ‘Sidebar’ link in the header above to see a list of what is in each collection (click on the link again to make the sidebar go away). Select what you want to see/read from the sidebar links. Anything that lights up on mouse-over, is a link. Some links will take you to a different collection.

Regarding Graphics Files

There didn’t used to be a great deal that needed to be said about the files in the Graphics collection. They were all just JPEGs with no special arcane additions, so just about any browser should have been able to display them without much trouble — admittedly, a few were rather large, and would take a while to load.


Eventually a project came along which had to be posted in .pdf. So, yes, you will need the Acrobat Reader or Apple’s Preview for some of the things in this collection, too. I’m sorry, but there just wasn’t a better format in which to package that particular project.

And since then, there have been other formats added. A couple of projects have been uploaded as QuickTime .mov files, and another is an .mp4. You will have to download these to play them, and you will need the QuickTime player, or any other video player which can handle .mov or .mp4 files.

The latest iteration of the site celebrates the return of sidebar menus. The link on the header will open and close them. With any luck they will not develop the appalling glitches that infected the dropdown menus of the previous version of the site. Be prepared to do a fair amount of scrolling.

The down side of depending on sidebar menues for navigation is that it is just not always feasible to attempt to write out the whole title of a subject. So some of the labels are in a shortened form of the page titles. The artworks are the the same ones that have been posted for years. The labels are just the pointers leading to them.

And We have Sub-collections. These are:


These are all student work, and all were produced as class assignments between 1999 and the present. Most of the classes were taken at Los Angeles City College, in both the Art and the Photography departments. More recently, I’ve taken some classes at Santa Monica College, in their Entertainment Technology track. There's a fair amount of classwork, overall, so I’ve rather arbitrarily split the collection to consolidate the groups a bit.

Classes are listed by their course numbers, rather than the order in which I took them, although I have lumped all of the 3D classes into one group. I've also culled a number of the things which I used to have online. I try to keep something posted from each of the classes I've taken, but I don’t think I need to post all of it.


This is rather a mixed bag. Mostly professional and semi-professional comissions, some hobby work. Other oddments that don’t fit into either of the two other main collections may be added here, eventually.

Ah, Fandom

The Fandom stuff is currently all Harry Potter related. There may be other subjects added, eventually. If so, they will get their own sidebar group. This particular collection has also been culled. Most of what I've retired was very old and I doubt anyone will miss it. (If you do, let me know, and I might put it back. I do still have the files.)

In addition to graphics produced for my Publications projects, I have taken part in various fandom giftfests and exchanges over the past decade or thereabouts. Most of these fests are no longer active. New ones may spring up in the future.

The Hoggy-Warty Xmas Giftfest

The Hoggy-Warty Xmas Giftfest was a very popular, long-running holiday gift exchange. I took part in it over several years. It made sense to seperate these contributions out into their own group.

A Potterverse Tarot

Given that the Tarot deck constitutes an extensive collection in itself (a tarot deck does have 78 cards, after all), it made sense to give it a link to its own sub-collection’s opening page.