Where Do You Go After Hogwarts?

Undercity Press Publications: Taller Tales Magazine
Not all publications are produced in archival quality. And stories are not all necessarily “Literature”. Or, in any event, are marketed as such. Nor need they be.
The average wizard on the street might not be a dedicated scholar, but the wizarding world, upon the whole, has a far larger number of publishing houses than its population numbers would suggest. So, we can conclude that most wizards do, at the very least read.
After all, most wizarding households don’t have television. And ambient magic has no degenerative effect upon books.
And, let’s face it, all publishers are very dedicated to giving their market what it wants. And one of the things that their market most wants is stories.
Lots of them.
Of all kinds.
Welcome to the world of Wizarding Pulp Fiction.
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Taller Tales #7: The New Skin

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The wizarding “global villiage” appears to have sat on its wands during the protracted unpleasantness in Great Britain over much of the end of the last century. But there is no doubt that a great many professional and would-be authors cherry-picked a tremendous lot of inspiration and story concepts out of the UK and EU news reports which managed to escape. Not to mention from the wizards and witches that managed to escape.
Apparently, now some 20 years later, quite a few of the wizarding world's readers have a new hero.
Introducing one “Dr. Cyril Ramson”. He’s fictional.
Or is he?
Taller Tales #8: The Clear Cut

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Undercity Press was evidenty very pleased with the reception of their serialized tale of the adventures of “Dr Cyril Ramson” (well that’s the name that he now goes by, anyway) in Boston and Brazil, following his escape from the aftermath of the wizarding war in Britain.
So pleased that, not long after that serial came to its end, they decided to do it again. Follow Dr Ramson on his 2nd adventure, as he uncovers a highly illegal black market potions ring. And encounters a couple of faces from his past.
Taller Tales #9: The Good Friend

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“Dr Cyril Ramson’s” escape from Britain in the aftermath of the second war with Voldemort left several matters connected with his part in that war unresolved. Not all of these matters affected only himself. This did bother him a bit. He tries not to think of it.
In the course of the adventure of the Clear Cut, it became evident that some of his past was determined to catch up with him. There is no question but that his new identit(ies) have been compromised.
And now? Well, perhaps not friends, exactly, but allies in high places want to reopen some of those files.
No good deed goes unpunished…